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Principal's Message 2/9/18

Dear Canyon View Families,

We thank you for supporting our teachers through your nominations for the CFSD Foundation Teacher of the Year. Each year the CFSD Foundation honors two exceptionally skilled and dedicated teachers from a group of Distinguished Educators. This year, our families and students nominated ten Canyon View teachers!

Nominated teachers then elect to move forward with the application process. Finalists are named and participate in an interview. We are proud to announce that Mrs. Moore has been recognized as a CFSD Distinguished Educator. We look forward to celebrating Mrs. Moore and the other award winning CFSD teachers at the CFSD Foundation’s Teacher of the Year Recognition Event at the Westward Look Resort on Sunday, April 22nd at 10:00 AM. Please

Next, as a reminder registration for next school year is now open to neighborhood students. Open Enrollment students who have received an official acceptance confirmation from the district office may also register. You may access the Online Registration link by visiting the Canyon View homepage: If you need assistance, please contact our office staff at 209-7901. Thank you to those families who have already registered their child(ren). Student registrations determine our teacher to student ratio each year. We appreciate your efforts!

On Monday, February 19 our fifth grade students will be hosting their grade level science fair in the MPR from 5:00-6:00PM. The top 10 finalists from the fifth grade science fair will then move on to our school-wide science fair which begins on Tuesday, February 27. Classes will be viewing the various projects Tuesday-Thursday of that week, and we will be hosting the Science Fair Recognition Ceremony on Thursday, March 1 at 6:00 p.m. in the MPR. We are definitely looking forward to seeing our young scientists’ projects!

Next, congratulations go out to Zachary and Ella in 5th grade for winning an Arizona General Music Teachers Composition Festival award for their original composition, “Carnival Nights”. Last weekend, Zachary and Ella presented their original composition to music teachers from across the state of Arizona at the Arizona Music Educators Association conference in Phoenix, and their composition won in their category! Way to go coyotes!

Finally, below are just a few images that capture the variety of learning experiences our students have been engaged in over the past two weeks. The entire staff at Canyon View Elementary is deeply committed to the whole-child approach to educating our students, and we are routinely researching and exploring new ways to refine and improve our practice.

Students performing a puppet show with their hand-made puppets during the artist-in-residence program.

Mrs. Pawloski’s second grade students demonstrating creativity and imagination as they perform their puppet show with artist-in-residence, Gwen Ray.

Students standing next to a ramp watching their lego car travel down the runway.

Ms. Clark’s third grade students engaged in deep learning as they test car designs to see which configuration will help the car travel the farthest.

Two students standing next to a 3D printer watching their object being made by the printer.

Mrs. Taylor’s 4th grade students engaged in their 3D printer unit where they gained knowledge and experience with digital design and technology.

Students and adults raising their fists in excitement for the start of the fourth grade kindness challenge.

Canyon View 4th graders kicking off the Ben’s Bells Kindness Challenge this week where the goal is to spread kindness throughout the grade level and school…character counts!

Clay mask of a jaguar made during third grade artist-in-residence

Mrs. Gregorius’ 3rd grade students have been engaged in the creative process of rainforest mask-making with our artist-in-residence, Kate Hodges

Have a wonderful weekend!

Rob Henikman


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