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Principal's Message 10/19/18

Dear Canyon View Families,

Conference week is behind us and I hope that your conversations with your children’s teachers were informative. Each year, conference week is a valuable time for us as it is a way to coordinate our collective efforts to help educate our children and support the work that is taking place at school and at home. As we all can agree, learning doesn’t stop when our children leave school, and we are committed to strengthening the school-home partnership.

In an effort to ensure that parent-teacher conferences are meeting the needs of everyone involved, we will be asking our parents to give us their feedback by completing a short survey. As in years past, the information collected will be analyzed and used to improve our future parent-teacher conferences. This survey will be sent out next week, and we would appreciate it if you could take a few minutes to share your thoughts. Please be on the lookout for the survey email.

On Friday, October 26th Canyon View will be hosting our annual Canyon Boo celebration! This long-standing tradition kicks off at 6:00 p.m. and includes several fun and engaging activities ranging from trick-or-treating (6-8 p.m.), the Scholastic Book Fair, steel drum performances, and interactive science experiments. Each year, we rely on our families to help support the event through their donations of decorations, candy, and/or volunteering their time decorating the pods, cleaning up, or by working one of the candy stations. There are a variety of ways you can support Canyon Boo, please click on the following link and sign-up: Canyon Boo Sign Up

On Wednesday, October 31st we will be having our annual Halloween Parade. This year, we will be holding the parade throughout the school hallways. We will be starting the festivities promptly after morning announcements and students who are planning on dressing up should arrive at school dressed in their costumes. When selecting a costume for your child/children, please be sure that it is appropriate for school. Children are not permitted to wear face paint, bring dangerous items, or items that represent weapons or could be used in a way that could cause injury to other participants. After our parade has concluded, all students will be expected to change back into their regular school attire. We appreciate your support!

Finally, below are just a few images that capture the variety of learning experiences our students have been engaged in over the past two weeks. The entire staff at Canyon View Elementary is deeply committed to the whole-child approach to educating our students, and we are routinely researching and exploring new ways to refine and improve our practice.

Children collecting desert items.

Students in Ms. Weeks and Mrs. Lansey’s classroom collecting desert items that can be used to build their packrat nest models

1st and 2nd Grade students preparing their STEAM projects.

First and second grade students learning how to build a working heart pump during STEAM Club on Friday.

4th Grade students incorporating kinesthetic learning.

Mrs. Smith’s 4th grade students learning new content vocabulary using a Total Physical Response technique that incorporates kinesthetic learning.

Have a wonderful weekend!


Rob Henikman


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